Dinner by candlelight
Bookings / Reservaties
282 077 794
This menu will only be served with booking and with the choice of the main course. If you don't want the menu, you can always eat à la carte.
Deze menu wordt enkel geserveerd met reservatie en met de mededeling van het hoofdgerecht. Indien u deze menu niet wenst, dan kan u altijd à la carte eten.
14th of February
Canapé with Kirr Royal
"Nothing Hill" Starter Nº 1
"The Titanic" Starter Nº2
A creamy red soup with a white heart
Roasted leg of lamb, served with greens, oven baked potatoes and a gravy of port wine
"Midnight in Paris"
Shellfish tortelli (filled pasta with prawn, lobster and crab), served with a coulis of peas and a ginger carrot velouté
"Love Actually" The dessert
Price : 35,00 € p.p.
with coffee or tea