And … nothing else matters 

Princesa, encosta-te a mim (canapé)

The vieira found a creme de brócolos, beautiful and sweet, and said with a voice, crocante e fumado, I never knew you were waiting for me.

The carpaccio de novilho sang to the pesto de nozes e agrião, I belong to you, you belong to me, you're my sweetheart…

A abóbora fell in love with a maçã and declared that Nothing is going to tear us apart (sopa)

Prato principal (escolha 1):

- The salmão said to the camarão that Nothing compares to you, so they made a Bouchee and decided to put the pomme duchesse at the side


- However long I stay, said the Bourguignon de veado to the purée com couve de Bruxelas, I will always love you

Hello, asked the tartelette de amêndoa to the beautiful gelado Italiano de Ginga Fabbri, is it me you are looking for?

Torn between two lovers : Café ou Chá

                                                                                                                                                                                           39,50 € p.p.

Agradecemos : Metallica, Jorge Palma, Ed Sheeran, The Lumineers, INXS, Sinead O'Conner, The  Cure, Lionel Richie e Mary MacGregor

No dia 14 de fevereiro, servimos este menu, juntamente com a  nossa ementa habitual.  

 O menu especial servimos só com reserva e um depósito de 10,00 p.p.

282 077 794